A unique formula of ALL NATURAL and ORGANIC ingredients that are safe for the whole FAM!
Formulated in Hawaii, with a TROPICAL climate ALL YEAR ROUND, bugs are everywhere and this formula has been put to the test! It is A MUST HAVE! Works like no other and SMELLS Fantastic (not like those other bug sprays)!
I said SHUE BUG don't bother me!
BALM! Baby! SHUE BUG! {Natural Bug Spray} - 2.7oz Spray
- Easy Spray Keeps biting bugs away!
- Convenient 2.7oz. Travel Spray!
- Organic and Natural, Hand Crafted in the USA
- Perfect for "buggy" areas
- Nice, natural smell, not like "normal" smelling bug repellents
- Vegan / Nut FREE / Gluten Free/ Deet Free
- Comes in Recycled Aluminum!
- Cruelty Free (Ingredients and finished products NOT tested on animals)
- (Pretty Much, da BALM! Baby)
Ingredients: Alcohol FREE witch hazel, extra virgin olive oil, neem oil, essential oil blend of peppermint, eucalyptus, orange, cedarwood & Vitamin E
Directions: Use all those exposed parts you want to keep UNBITTEN! Reapply as needed. No need to rub in, but can if desired.
***This product is Gluten & Nut FREE