This page has MREs as cases, meaning you will get a variety pack of the available meals. a "half case" will contain 6 different meals, a "full case" will contain 12, with up to 2 matching meals.
Ameriqual is one of the three companies that makes MREs for the US Military, FEMA, other relief groups as well as commercial markets. They're the single largest provider of MREs for both civilian and military markets, entering the civilian market in '06 with their "APack" meals.
The components of this MRE are similar to us military issued MREs and aforementioned civilian-spec meals, but in a different bag. They include an Entrée, a side dish or bread, a dessert, candy, a flameless ration heater, a slightly different than usual MRE spoon (shorter and wider, not as kill-confirmed durable), a seasoning packet, and napkins.
There are many different menus for the disaster relief MREs, which are slightly different than the APack meals you commonly see on the prepper market.
The possible main courses include:
- Au Gratin Potatoes
- Chili with Beans
- Santa Fe Rice and Beans
- Maple Pork Sausage Patty
- Creamy Spinach Fettuccini
- Cheese Tortellini in Tomato Sauce
- Veggie Taco Pasta
- Elbow Mac in Tomato Sauce
Possible sides may include:
- Chipotle Tortillas
- Plain Tortillas
- Italian Bread Sticks
- Snack Bread
- Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Possible desserts may include:
- Pound cake
- Banana chocolate muffin top
- Maple Muffin top
Each meal will also include either Skittles or M&Ms
Flameless Ration Heater
The water-activated ration heater is a trademark of the MRE. Sure, you can eat the MRE cold if you're a masochist but everyone knows it's way better heated up.
Simply cut open the top of the flameless ration heater sleeve, place the MRE food portion inside the bag next to the heater, add plain water to the fill line, fold the open end of the bag, and prop it up on the beloved "ROCK OR SOMETHING"
Tips for using the FRH
You can follow a guide if you're uninitiated to Zesto-Therm's black magic, and have a warm meal without a fire in about 12 minutes.
Keep the activated heater away from any flame sources, and be very careful around the bag as the liquids will be VERY hot along with the bag. Do not reuse the water remaining in the bag.
To maximize heat output, always keep the heater underneath the MRE, the bag folded over the top of the MRE, and incline the carton with the folded end of the bag up.
If your MRE is frozen, use two heaters - one to thaw, one to heat. add water to the bag before adding the MRE and when the heater begins to feel warm, add the MRE. Follow previous steps to maximize heat efficiency.
- Average of 1250 calories per meal
- Shellfish Free
- Can be eaten hot or cold
- Includes Flameless ration heater
- Each MRE contains M&Ms or Skittles
MREs do not have a set expiration date, but they do have an inspection date and a pack date. Typically, inspection falls 3 years after pack date and is when MREs are carefully inspected for any problems and cleared to be fit for consumption. Manufacturers normally suggest MREs are good for approximately 5 or more years when stored at or below room temperature. Always store your MREs in a climate controlled environment for best results.
Additionally, we have hand inspected every MRE that comes into the warehouse to ensure no contents inside burst or were otherwise damaged in the shipping process, and we encourage you to do the same when you receive them.